Get the tie you need for a lifetime.



“現代の男性は、クールビズの台頭により、大事なシーンで使えるネクタイがない” だから、一生で一本必要なネクタイを愛する人、大切な人に贈ることは、最大の気遣いの一つである。

Don't give a cute tie to a man.

Orthodox ties are important for adult men. As for the pattern, plain textiles that are not overly assertive are good. “Cute” represents childhood, so it is not suitable for adult men. In the most important scene, “Does the tie empower men?” This idea is the decisive factor for gifts. A product that gives the impression that a match tie is “a man who can be accepted by world standards” would be good. Altair has a track record of presenting to Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Yury Trutnev. “Altair has ties suitable for becoming a top ranker in each industry.”

Can the tie convey to people the spirit at one time and the peace of mind at another time?

What is lacking in men is impression management.

When there is a game, the important thing is to make a good impression on the opponent. Impression management is the process of constantly recognizing and improving one’s impressions. The standard is how to win the game by eliminating trends and hobbies in the world. Therefore, celebrities in the world manage their impressions through their clothes. Altair thought that the woman who gave the gift would “absolutely want to be pleased.” As a result, we focused on the world standard and developed a game tie that gives a good impression to the opponent, which can be done by politicians and models around the world. Impressions can be improved with just this tie. I make chest ties with that feeling.

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